Vegan Meal Prep Basics: Video, Recipe, and Notes

The sixth in our series of FREE online vegan cooking classes, this one is all about meal prepping!

Watch it on YouTube.


  1. Begin with your dressing or nut sauce
  2. Add diced cucumbers, onion, scallions, or jicama to the dressing
  3. Next, add foods that will do well soaking up the dressing: tofu, beans, mushrooms, diced zucchini, and so on.
  4. For a heartier meal, add a cooked grain; farro, quinoa, and barley are excellent in salads.
  5. If using nuts or seeds, add them now.
  6. And now it’s time to stuff the jar with your raw leafy green of choice: lettuce, spinach, kale, arugula, or any combination of the four.

To eat, I like to simply turn the jar upside down over a large bowl or a plate.

From my cookbook Vegan Meal Prep. 


  • Two carrots, diced
  • Two celery stalks, diced
  • One small russet potato, cubed
  • 1 cup dry split peas
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 tablespoon Herbs de Provence
  • Salt to taste

Sauté the carrots, celery, and potato in a little chicken-style vegan broth (or any veggie broth or a little extra virgin olive oil).

Add the split peas, water, and Herbs de Provence. Cook on high pressure for 10 to 12 minutes. Use a natural release (cook for 15-ish minutes if you live at 6,200 feet as I do).

Serve as is or puree into a soup. Or do both, as I did in the video!



NOTE: The Colorado Springs Vegan Cooking Academy is closed for in-person cooking classes and private kitchen coaching/lessons due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are offering free ONLINE classes (SEE BELOW) to help people cook at home during this time.
Archives of the classes available on Facebook and YouTube (subscribe HERE).
If you're able, a TIP of any size will help us pay for the online platform to offer these free online classes and make the videos available to view later.

Thank you!