My new role at Our Hen House

I have an announcement and I am going to do it two ways:

  1. The quick version: Go to Our Hen House and read today’s blog post:  JL Fields Jumps From OHH Advisor to Board Member
  2. The longer version is a bit of a love story.  Grab a cup of tea…

As most of you know, my journey to that of an ethical vegan has spanned the two and a half years that I have been eating a plant-based diet, but started over 10 years ago, when I went vegetarian because of a goat. As it is for many of us, my evolution has not been in a vacuum. It has been influenced by those around me as well as by people I have read and admired from afar.

One such influence on me is the multimedia movement to change the world for animals, Our Hen House (OHH).  Last summer, just over a year into my vegan journey, I started listening to OHH podcasts. I had a lot of catching up to do because the co-founders of OHH, Jasmin Singer and Mariann Sullivan, record weekly. I was entranced from the very first podcast.  In less than an hour each week they invite me in to meet animal rights activists that I may have never heard of, as well as those that I admire on a daily basis. They bring me news in the world of animals rights that would never have made my radar. They review vegan products (thoughtfully and honestly) which provides me the opportunity to make my home greener, diversify my palate and to support vegan-owned businesses.  They are the hub for all things vegan.

They inspire me to do more for animals.

Last August I was spending a few days in L.A. before heading up to Portland for the first Vida Vegan Con.  My plan for the day was to go out for a run and then to meet a childhood friend for lunch. I had yet to pinpoint the lunch location but was thinking about Native Foods or Veggie Grill.  I grabbed my Nano, turned on the next OHH podcast in my queue, and headed out for my morning workout.  As my run came to an end, the review portion of OHH started.  Jasmin and Mariann were reviewing Native Foods and Veggie Grill! Listening to them compare and contrast the two, I suddenly knew I would take my friend to Native Foods (possibly influenced by Mariann’s mention of wine being served at NF).  How crazy was the timing?  Cut to Portland, Jasmin had just finished presenting on podcasting, and I walked up to her to say you don’t know me, I’m a podcast listener, and I have a voice crush on you. I then told her about the serendipitous L.A dining podcast.

I began sharing my devotion to listening to Our Hen House here on the blog and I became a monthly supporter of OHH because it is my vegan NPR.  I give monthly to support public radio – why on earth wouldn’t I give to support a non-profit media source feeding my vegan heart and soul?

Earlier this year Jasmin and Mariann invited me to serve on the OHH advisory board.  My background in nonprofit management was of interest to them as the young organization is growing rapidly.  I was honored.  I have spent this year advising them and working on great projects together, like The Seed, as well as writing for them and being interviewed for the podcast.

As many of you know, I have made some big changes this year – from starting my own business  to working on a book with Ginny Messina. There are a few more changes coming – to be revealed in the next month or two – and those changes have allowed me the opportunity to think and rethink my priorities on a personal and professional level.  So the timing was perfectly right when I received an invitation from Mariann, on behalf of the OHH board of directors, to join them.  In addition to working in the nonprofit field for nearly twenty years, I have served as adjunct faculty in the Nonprofit Management Program at Long Island University-CW Post for five years, teaching the Governance and Board Relations course (as well as the Introduction to Nonprofit Management and a Grant-Writing Boot Camp).  My experience and expertise on the nonprofit board of directors is what OHH wants at this time.

And, once again, I am honored.

15 thoughts on “My new role at Our Hen House”

  1. Wonderful news JL! You are a vegan powerhouse! Keep bringing the passion – it is shining through. 🙂

  2. Congrats! I’m currently working on a transition of sorts myself and am always looking for new (and credible and accessible) ways to expand both my knowledge and my compassion–towards animals and myself. Your site (found you from Gena) has been a great resource, and I plan on reading up a bit on OHH as well. Thanks for what you do!

  3. JL — You’re such a rock star. We’re absolutely thrilled and honored to have you on our Board. I can’t believe we managed to snag you… And WOW — THANK YOU for those INCREDIBLE words. I’m writing this from inside a paper bag because I’m completely embarrassed, but also so grateful for you and your support and brilliance. XOXO Jasmin

  4. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again (and again and again!), I <3 how you roll! Congratulations, JL!

  5. it’s a beautiful thing for inspiring folks such as yourself share your own inspirations! kudos JL!

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