My Vegan MoFo theme this year is “Go Vegan with JL…In the kitchen!” in which I reply to your questions about cooking in your vegan kitchen. (I explain a bit more about my theme and plan for my October posts here.)
Today’s issue:
“I want fast, nutritious meals.”
I receive a wide range of questions and inquiries from readers and clients about how to make quick meals during the week. Since cooking quick meals is sort of my thing – meaning I am a lazy cook – I think you’ll find that a good number of my recipes are quick and easy. I also encourage bulk cooking.
But sometimes you don’t have time to bulk cook or you don’t want to pull out the pressure cooker for means in 30 minutes. Today’s tip: Use a food processor!
I have created some really fun things on they fly simply by using my food processor.
Not all of these recipes are quick (some are part of a longer process ranging from making seitan to dehydrating crackers) but here are several that help you get a meal, or dessert, on the table in no time:
- Quick Chickpea Salad Sandwich. This is a go-to lunch sandwich and it’s also great over a big bed of crunchy vegetables for dinner.
- “Ice Cream” for Breakfast (or dessert!)
- Curry Cashew Butter. PB & J is perfect for breakfast, lunch, or dinner!
- Hummus. Such a great option for meals! I will dip raw veggies in hummus for a meal, or spread humus on whole grain bread with sprouts for a fun sandwich. I also love humus wraps with baby spinach.
- Scrambled Tempeh “Eggs”. Who doesn’t love breakfast for dinner?
- Tempeh Patties. I created this recipe a few months ago – this is the recipe that finally converted me over to a tempeh-liker.
Today my recipe for Tempeh Patties is on Healthy Blender Recipes. My friend Tess, The Healthy Blender Girl, is featuring my recipe as part of a giveaway for a $400 Breville Food Processor! Be sure to enter!
5 thoughts on “Tip: Make quick meals using a food processor {Vegan MoFo #14}”
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JL, thankyou SO much for the lovely shout out, and for sharing your delicious recipe as part of the event. You are a constant source of inspiration for me, and I appreciate your so much. Good Luck with the giveaway everybody 🙂
Thank YOU, Tess!
Great collection of recipe ideas!
Funny you posted this today. I just made a pizza this morning (for the photo shoot for my new pie book), and used the food processor to make the dough, as I’ve done for the last 20 years. Not bc I’m clever but bc I’m too damed lazy to knead or to even get out my KitchenAid kneading hook. My Regal La Machine FP is 25+ years old–complete with smoky brown plastic–but I love it to bits and use it almost daily.
I love that idea! I’m lazy, too, and def use the KitchenAid for all kneading – hadn’t thought to use a food processor!
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