Vegan MoFo 2013 VIDEO #6: Soy Curl Salad Recipe

Today I walk you, from start to finish, through a simple and delicious Soy Curl Salad recipe (and I talk about intuitive cooking, food as activism and more).


  1. This is my sixth video, not my seventh (oops).
  2. Though the soy curl salad looks like chicken, and I may have called it that once, it’s 100% soy, baby!
  3. Get your Butler Soy Curls on here.
  4. Here’s the Breville Sous Chef – a total beast in the kitchen!
  5. Check out my soy curl recipes!

And today’s recipe!

soy curl salad | video blogging vegan mofo | vegan mofo 2013 | JL goes Vegan

6 thoughts on “Vegan MoFo 2013 VIDEO #6: Soy Curl Salad Recipe”

  1. Cool video JL! I’ve had a bag of Butler Soy Curls (in my pantry..yikes! I didn’t know I should refrigerate them. I’m just gonna use them now as long as their not expired and hope they are good) for a few months, since I got my VeganCuts Taste of Portland snack box. And, I’ve been wondering what I’d use them in. I was originally thinking I’d make the recipe on their site called Homestyle BBQ Soy Curls, but I want to top that with coleslaw, like in their photo (and put in on a nice bun, because that reminds me of the SloSmoMoFo I got last year in Portland from Homegrown Smoker BBQ food truck at the VegFest ), but I don’t know that I have a recipe for vegan coleslaw. I neeeeever made coleslaw in my pre-vegan years, so I have no intuitive skills to use there. I’m sure eventually I’ll take a minute to see if any of my cookbooks or blogs have a recipe for that. I really just need to know what dressing to mix and any seasonings to add, the rest I’m sure is just shredding green and red cabbage and carrot. So, I guess I do have some intuitiveness for coleslaw! 🙂 Anyway, now after seeing your fabulous Soy Curl Salad, I’m definitely making that tonight!! Yum!! (I’ll try that BBQ recipe some other time.) Your recipe looks soooooooo good, and it does look fast and easy and I love that you use the food processor, because honestly on work nights I don’t have time or desire to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. I think my hubby will love this too. I am going to serve it over arugala, but I’ll offer him the option of a wrap, because sometimes he likes that. I think that makes food feel more bulky (for lack of a better word) and more familiar for him. He’s told me many times that he can’t “just live on salads, like you” (even though I eat super hearty, main course salads and I eat plenty of other dishes too…I think this is just his perception), so I’m thinking if I actually “hear ” him and try to accommodate him, rather than keep trying to explain the whole hearty-main dish-salad thing to him….just give him vegan food that is more like what HE actually wants (novel idea!), well then maybe that will help him eat more of what I make. 🙂 Anyway, I think he’ll love this recipe of yours. And, since I’ve been on more of a savory kick lately (I do love sweet, too, though) I’ll substitute out the grapes and pecans, and use celery, scallions, carrot and maybe even walnut….maybe that will make it more savory for me tonight. 🙂 I loved your talking about food as activism, and I agree by the way. And, “food with a memory” and that it’s okay to miss some foods and use your intuitiveness to veganize them. Well, sorry for the long comment, but I really enjoyed your video and post today and I had a lot I wanted to share. 🙂 I adore you JL! Oh, your kitchen is looking awesome…I’m super happy for you.

    One question, I’m not on Facebook and have been super resistant to it (I’m just very private). But, I’m starting to wonder if there’s a lot of vegan goodness I’m missing there. Like, lots of my favorite vegan bloggers, writers, and AR groups/charities, etc. that I love. I’ve always thought it’s probably just duplication of what’s on the respective web-sites and blogs, but maybe it is additional info. And, maybe another chance for sense of community. I don’t know. Do you have an opinion for me? xo

    1. @1e54415d8e8f33ea428fac092b7a2b40:disqus, your comments and emails always warm my heart! I love that you share so much about your journey. Love how you and your hubby are working together, figuring out your meals!

      Facebook – yes, there’s some really good stuff going on! Sure, I post links to my blog or video posts but I share a lot more other stuff – articles I’ve discovered, recipes, made by others, what I’m eating during the day, cute animal pictures (smile) and awesome vegan clothing/shoe finds. Lots of blogger, author and activists share great information. And yes, I do it for exactly what you suggest: COMMUNITY!

      1. JL, I did make the soy curl salad tonight, and I served it atop arugula and it was SO AWESOME!! It was super easy, just like you said, and seriously delicious. This was my first time using soy curls and now I’m a huge fan!! 🙂

        I’m gonna have to get on FB soon! It does sound pretty great. It’s funny that I’m so private, but share so much in my comments. I love talkin’ to ya! 🙂

        Good night!

  2. Love this salad! I made it right away since I had all the ingredients (had to sub walnuts for pecans). Hope it’s OK, but I have my photos of this recipe (and plenty of links back to your blog) scheduled to run next Monday for my Vegan MOFO 2013 Mash-it-up Monday. I added a little curry, too.

    1. I’m honored, @a6235953dd85e09a7ed5196be0d5c3b6:disqus! Be sure to share the link Monday – I’ll share it, too!

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