An ounce of prevention? Souped-Up Ginger Tea

I recently shared on my Facebook page that I am not getting a flu shot this year.

I’m not one of those vegans who thinks that my diet makes me immune from viruses or diseases, however, but I do like the idea of prevention.

I have been reading about all kinds of drinks for cold remedies and/or flu/cold/illness prevention. Ingredient combos include lemon juice, honey, cayenne pepper, ginger, garlic, guar gum, echinacea, turmeric, and even apple cider vinegar.

Oh, I love apple cider vinegar! I’ve been using it a bit more in some of my raw dishes after my new doctor suggested I eat more fermented foods and foods that will help aid in digestion.

I decided to concoct a hot drink yesterday.

Ginger tea with vinegar and cayenne pepper

Souped-Up Ginger Tea

  • 2 tablespoons fresh ginger slices (cut thinly; I used a carrot peeler)
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (I used 4 tablespoons, but I love the taste of vinegar; your mileage may vary)
  • 2 generous pinches cayenne pepper
  • 8 ounces hot water
  1. Add the first three ingredients to a large coffee mug.
  2. Add hot water.
  3. Steep for 3 – 5 minutes.  
  4. You can remove the ginger but I kept it in and ate it when I finished the tea. YUM.

I know full well this delicious drink may not prevent a cold or illness but I also know full well that I love every single ingredient in it, so why not enjoy it anyway?

Do you have any foods or drinks you that use as a home remedy – or prevention – for the cold or flu?

8 thoughts on “An ounce of prevention? Souped-Up Ginger Tea”

  1. You cannot believe the shit I have gotten for not getting a flu shot for myself or my kids.

  2. I go for rosemary, thyme, sage, ginger. Makes you feel better just smelling it. My husband calls it my super tea. It’s delicious and savory- not your usual flavor but I really like it.
    I used to get the flu shot as a kid and still always got sick. Stopped and started eating well and now I never get sick. Last time I caught something I was sick for one day, rested on the couch, blew it all out and was fine the next… took my hubs 3 weeks to get over it though!

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