It’s the last day of Vegan MoFo 2013 and here is my final video in the series – Why I’m vegan:
- “Before I was vegan, I was not.” Inspired by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau.
- Learn more about Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary here (and check out Clover!).
- Here’s the .pdf to Barbara McDonald’s Once You Know Something, You Can’t Not Know It: An Empirical Look at Becoming Vegan.
- Read The World Peace Diet by Dr. Will Tuttle.
- I am proud to serve on the Our Hen House board of directors and to be a Barnyard Benefactor. You can donate today and double the impact of your gift!
- Ginny and I are launching Vegan for Her TV! in October. Stay in touch here.
- Find the Sue Coe “Go Vegan and nobody gets hurt” print here
THANK YOU for watching 20 Vegan MoFo 2013 videos in September!
6 thoughts on “Vegan MoFo 2013 VIDEO #20: Why I’m Vegan”
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The video blog’s have been great! It’s kind of like a visit from an old friend. I will definitely miss having them 5 days a week, but that would be so much work for you!
I can’t wait for the new vegan for her tv.
Thank you so much, @jacqui_p:disqus! I really had fun with them and do want to keep them up – I felt connected to this community in a whole new way! I think Vegan for Her TV! is going to be a blast! Glad you’re looking forward to it!
JL, great talk! I love hearing you share your experiences, process, and thoughts. I’m so glad to hear the videos will continue along with, or in addition to, your written posts! Yay! Awesome that you and Ginny will do Vegan for Her TV!! Yay! I guess I’ll have to get it together with the Google thing you were talking about. It’s good for me to get connected with that, because that’s why I missed one of your Google classes a little while back, because I didn’t have the Google thing you were talking about. Well, I’ll get it now. I probably have it, and just never used it. I did finish the book, and it’s now amongst my favorites! I highlighted practically the whole book (on my iPad)!! And I’ve marked sooo many of the recipes to make. I got so much out of the whole book, and you and Ginny did a great job. I especially loved the chapter on veganism beyond the plate. xo
@1e54415d8e8f33ea428fac092b7a2b40:disqus you are always so kind! Thank you! Yes, do set up a g+ profile – you’ll love the “hangouts!”
Wonderful video JL! I love your approach of meeting people where they are. I think this has so much more of an impact on people that proselytizing people on their lifestyles. Because it’s so true, most people are not born into vegansim. It’s about learning and evolving. I also love the advice that Dr. Tuttle gave. I hope that by being a vegan blogger I’m helping to educate in some ways. The next step is to start volunteering with an organization. Thanks for all the inspiration and YAY for continuing the videos. That makes me so happy!
Thank you SO MUCH, @luminousveganswordpresscom:disqus! I loved Dr. Tuttle’s comments. What I also loved was that his opening remarks began with “it’s about food” If we change the food culture that we pass down from generation to generation, we will change what happens to animals. So, yes, I think educating people through a vegan food blog can make a real difference! Can’t wait to hear about your volunteering!