Real World Vegan Meals: My new Facebook group!

Hey! I did something on a whim yesterday … and I’m so glad I did! I decided to start a closed Facebook group: Real World Vegan Meals.

Real World Vegan Meals on Facebook

My friend Michael Suchman – who you know as one of the Vegan Mos – is co-administering the group with me. We are both vegan lifestyle coaches and educators and both have experience living in “multivore” homes. We look forward to being a resource!


The Real World Vegan Meals Facebook group is about sharing meal ideas that bring whole foods and convenience foods together to help you follow a vegan diet. Not a diet, not allergy-free, not low-fat / no-oil, simply a way to eat for most people who want wholesome recipes to cook at home and to find the best convenience options. 

We already have over 100 members! Join us!