Vegan MoFo 2010 Post #30: The End (Back to our regularly scheduled programming)

I did it! I posted 30 days in a row — the last six days from Barbados!  Vegan MoFo, the Vegan Month of Food, is about blogging as much as possible about vegan food in November. And that I (and hundreds of others) did!

To my longer term readers.  Thank you for not leaving me. I was a bit worried that my daily posts in your RSS feed might drive you mad!  To my new readers, I hope you’ll stick around.  This is a vegan food and fitness blog, but you’ve mostly read about food here for 30 days.

As I get back into my normal blogging routine you’ll see two -three posts a week, featuring:

1. Vegan recipes and restaurant reviews, such as this Vegan Breakfast Casserole recipe

and this restaurant review of V-Note, an organic wine bar and vegan bistro in NYC

2. My wine enthusiast posts, such as Wine 101: An interview with Winemaker Greg Kitchens of Don Sebastiani & Sons


3. My quest for balanced fitness, with posts such as Vegan running

and Fueling the vegan runner: oats, dates, spinach & tofu

To the Vegan MoFo crew. Thank you for pushing me. Turns out I do have a lot to say about vegan food and fitness and this was an exercise in honing in on my message and, most important of all, demonstrating that eating vegan is healthy, delicious and easy!

Thanks for a fun a month of blogging!

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