Archive for Month: October 2011

VeganMoFo 24: Monday = Breakfast (Mint Chocolate Protein Smoothie, or So Delicious is Soooo Holiday, part 2)
Yesterday I shared my review of the new So Delicious Coconut Milk “Nog” and an “Eggnog” Bread recipe. Today let me share a breakfast drink I made with their Mint Chocolate Coconut Milk. I gathered some smoothie basics. 1 c So Delicious Mint Chocolate Coconut Milk 1 T Dark Chocolate Hemp Protein Powder 1 frozen banana, Newtree Dark Chocolate Refresh (mint) bar Blend the first three ingredients in a blender. Pour into a glass and sprinkle grated chocolate on top. Serve and enjoy. Wowie! That’s a great dessert breakfast!