Archive for Month: August 2011

Sports Arm Pocket Winner! + A Flashback Recipe: Cucumber & Beet Noodle Salad with Avo-Hemp Dressing (Raw)
I’ll be in Portland in a few hours! Tomorrow I’ll fill you in on my trip to L.A. and try not to be too obnoxious about how excited I am for Vida Vegan Con! For now, how about the Sports Arm Pocket winner and one final flashback recipe? *** The winner of the Sports Arm Pocket from Given Brand Arm Pockets© is Lisa @Fit in the Midwest! Lisa, email your mailing address to jl AT jlgoesvegan DOT! Congratulations! *** After two days of grilling here’s one of my favorite raw recipes. I love this Cucumber & Beet Noodle Salad with […]