Archive for Month: November 2010


Vegan MoFo Week 3 Wrap-Up: Squash Soup, Szekely Goulash, Breakfast Burrito, Pickles, Rice Cooker Black-Eyed Peas and more!

Woot! Three weeks of daily blogging. Didn’t know I had it in me! Here’s a recap: Sunday: Dehydrated Black Bean Burger (Recipe Revisit for Vegan MoFo) Monday: Delicata Squash Soup + Chickpea Curry + “Pepperoni” Pizza + Vegan Szekely Goulash = Yummy Vegan MoFo Weekend! Tuesday: Azuki Bean & Broccoli Breakfast Burrito Wednesday: Vegan Eats at Harry’s Burritos Thursday: Cooking Phases + Pickles! Friday: The Black-Eyed Peas Meet a Sweet Potato So ends another marvelous of Vegan MoFo and another week of yummy eats!