The Day After BlogHer 2011: R&R

After two crazy, wonderful days at BlogHer 2011, Sunday was a day of rest.  Or, perhaps simply more “restful?”

Lisa and I took off for a seven mile walk/hike.

The weather was perfect, the scenery was gorgeous, it felt awesome to sweat and move but, as always, the conversation was the best part.

We worked up an appetite on our 2+ hour walk.  Off we went to La Jolla, for brunch.

Lisa and I were recalling a “Chef’s Mercy” dinner at Nine-Ten years ago and Lisa thought it could be a perfect brunch spot.  She was right.

We kicked brunch off right.

Bloody Mary’s all around!

Chow time! I enjoyed this light and fresh salad.

Peach Salad with cherry tomatoes and corn

Vegan dishes are tricky to find on brunch menus. But I scanned the menu and looked at how the other dishes were served and came up with my “ideal” brunch plate.

Black beans with fingerling potatoes and guacamole

Perfect and such a great presentation! I asked the server to thank the chef for being so accommodating and making my meal so pretty.

Happy diners.

Vince and Lisa (top) and Dave and JL

Nine Ten on Urbanspoon

After a delicious meal we walked over to the beach to say hi to the seals.

I wanted to dive in and hug them all but I was vetoed.

We ended the day at Spa Gregorie’s for a deep tissue-massage.  A truly brilliant way to unwind after the BlogHer 2011 festivities.

How do you “detox” after an intensive event or activity?


I can’t thank you enough for the tremendous feedback on what you are looking for and enjoying on this blog. Keep it coming!

6 thoughts on “The Day After BlogHer 2011: R&R”

  1. That WAS a great way to unwind after BlogHer.  I just love La Jolla and Del Mar.  Hope you had a good trip back.

  2. I have to say JL, I love reading about how you go to restaurants and ask them to make certain alterations. I would have never guessed to ask for black beans with potatoes and guac (love!!) with a side salad!

    1. Christina, it’s been a journey! I “settled” for way too many bland salads and boring steamed veggies. I figure if they have it on the menu (even if served under meat) there’s a good chance I can get it, too!  I tend to make a little joke and say “I may be one of your complicated guests but I’m tons of fun and I think I have a great idea!”  They usually smile and work with me.  But that doesn’t always happen — and I’ll be writing a post about the opposite experience very soon….

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