October is the Vegan Month of Food. My theme? “Go Vegan with JL … In the kitchen!” {Vegan MoFo #1}

Happy Vegan MoFo! Yep, it’s October and that means it’s the Vegan Month of Food. Hundreds of food bloggers have signed up to blog at least 20 days – maybe 31! – about vegan food.  I participated in 2010, as a newbie blogger, and posted 30 days in October (recap here).  Last year I posted every single day in October and I even had a theme – all wrapped in a bow in my final, recap post on October 31, 2011.

Things are a little crazed this year, as I mentioned Friday, but I have a plan.  Lately I have been trying to focus my blog and newsletter content on what many of you are looking for on your vegan journey – the six modules in my Go Vegan with JL coaching practice.

  1. Your health and diet:  Working with the five fabulous vegan good groups
  2. In the kitchen:  Tips, tricks and techniques
  3. In the world:  Grocery stores, restaurants, and beyond
  4. Your compassionate home:  Build a kinder closet and environmentally friendly living space
  5. Meal plans:  Making a plant-based diet work for you
  6. The social vegan: Family, work and school

Recently I surveyed you,  asking what you wanted to know (you can still respond to the survey!) about going or staying vegan.

I’ve decided to use your “In the Kitchen” questions as my theme for Vegan MoFo 2012!

I will write 20 Vegan MoFo posts in October dedicated to providing kitchen tips and tricks.

Do you need help in the kitchen?  
Leave your questions here and I will incorporate them into my Vegan MoFo posts!

Today I thought I would share just a couple of quick ideas I recently shared with a blog reader.  I’ll dive into this more over the month, I’m sure, but we should start with a few tips, right?

  1. I usually make two grains on Sundays – a batch of brown rice and then either quinoa, farro or barley (I use my rice cooker or pressure cooker).  I will eat these grains throughout the week and by Wednesday, if I have any left, I’ll bag them up and freeze them (grains thaw great!).
  2. I make a bean dish, or two, on Sundays as well.  I can use beans in sandwich wraps, toss them into a pot of veggie broth + salsa for an instant soup, and eat them cold over salads.  I store my cooked beans in an airtight container (glass mason jar) and they last three or four days – but I usually freeze half the batch and thaw them at the end of the week when I’ve eaten up the other beans.
  3.  I make my own vegetable broth on the weekend (easy to do in a pressure cooker, in a crockpot or on the stove) and use that to make my grains and beans – it makes them so flavorful!

Tomorrow:  Vegan meals that will please your meat-eating family members! Also tomorrow, the second Go Vegan with JL newsletter will hit email boxes. Sign up now to get the latest issue!

8 thoughts on “October is the Vegan Month of Food. My theme? “Go Vegan with JL … In the kitchen!” {Vegan MoFo #1}”

  1. I’m so excited for everyone’s Vegan Mofo posts, as this is my first year really getting into it. As for grains, I always have to containers of grains-rice, quinoa, farro–in my fridge. I use my steamer to throw the grains in there and an hour later, they’re done and ready for quick meals throughout the week.

    1. Oh, I love my steamer, too! I might have to talk about it in my posts this month – thanks for the reminder! And ME TO, so excited for the MoFo posts. Had fun sipping coffee and reading (and drooling) this morning!

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