Vegan MoFo 2013 VIDEO #18: Does Vegan = Gluten-Free? Watch ANOTHER video to find out!

So today I made a video

to ask you to watch this video in which I talk with Ricki Heller about being a gluten-free vegan.


  1. Check out Ricki Heller’s site!
  2. Pick up a copy of Naturally Sweet & Gluten-Free by Ricki Heller.
  3. P.S. I am not a gluten-free vegan.

gluten-free vegan | video blogging vegan mofo | vegan mofo 2013 | JL goes Vegan

2 thoughts on “Vegan MoFo 2013 VIDEO #18: Does Vegan = Gluten-Free? Watch ANOTHER video to find out!”

  1. Thanks again for the great chat, JL! It was fun to gab about gluten-free, vegan, baking, candida, low glycemic sweeteners and more with you! And I bet your readers will enjoy the cameo by CK!

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