Fruit and Cabbage Vegan Coleslaw

Earlier this week I noticed that it was getting close to use-it-or-lose-it time for some of my fruits and vegetables. Usually when that happens I toss the produce in the freezer and use it for homemade vegetable broth. But this time I had two heads of cabbage and that is a no-no in broth (one word: bitter).

I started with this.

Fruit and Cabbage Vegan Coleslaw | whole foods

Which became this.

Fruit and Cabbage Vegan Coleslaw | JL Fields

I used my Breville Sous Chef and julienned the produce in the blink of an eye! This coleslaw, great as a side, is especially good as a large salad. Simply serve with your favorite bean and garnish with fresh ground black pepper and dill. I hope you enjoy this super-quick and super-easy recipe!

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I served the vegan coleslaw with black soybeans, dill and fresh ground black pepper.

Fruit and Cabbage Vegan Coleslaw with black soybeans | JL Fields

A new favorite salad!