Eleven days on the road: My fitness recap

I left New York eleven days ago. My trip began in Southern California and ended in Portland.  I pretty much ate my way through Portland as evidenced here, here, here and here. But I moved my body, too! I swear!

Saturday: travel day
Sunday: 3 mile power walk
Monday: 4 mile run
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: 3 mile city walk
Thursday: 4 mile run
Friday: 4 mile run
Saturday: 4 mile run
Sunday: 4 mile run / 2.5 mile city walk after dinner
Monday: 2 mile city walk
Tuesday: travel day

I can only hope that 30+ miles helped burn off some of the delicious meals I’ve enjoyed on my last vacation of the summer.

I’m about to embark on a 15 hour trek back to New York.  I’ll be back tomorrow with more on Vida Vegan Con.

On the Steel Bridge, walking back to the hotel after dinner

3 thoughts on “Eleven days on the road: My fitness recap”

  1. Wow! You did a great job. Our runs in Portland really helped me feel better throughout the day – and sleep better at night after “last call!”

  2. That’s great that you fit in so much running while traveling, awesome job! That’s difficult for me trying to venture into new areas to run and I not a fan of running on treadmills.

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